"Take responsibility for the image you want to see."

404-507-2746 ♦ info@blackpositiveimage.com ♦ P.O. Box 15356 Atlanta, GA 30333

Sankofa's Library: 500 Years Later (Documentary)

500 Years Later
Directed By Owen 'Alik Shahadah

March 28, 2010: I had the pleasure of watching the documentary 500 Years Later. A compelling documentary that presents so much history, truth, and hope for the next 500 years. A documentary that explores crime, drugs, HIV/AIDS, poor education, inferiority complex, low expectation, poverty, corruption, poor health, and underdevelopment plaguing people of African descent globally. 500 years later from the onset of slavery and subsequent colonialism, Africans are still struggling for basic freedom. Filmed in five continents, and over twenty countries, 500 Years Later engages the retrospective voice, told from the African vantage-point (Wikipedia).

The main message that I took from this film is the importance of history in our society. Changing HIS-tory into OUR-story. Not being ashamed of our past or afraid to give a voice to our ancestors. Unlike many documentaries, 500 Years Later not only tells history, but gives fundamental advice to using our past to prosper for the future. This movie is definitely a MUST SEE documentary. Visit www.500yearslater.com to learn about the documentary and purchase your copy.

Black Positive Image Presents: "You Don't Know My Story" Campaign

You Don't Know My Story is a campaign geared towards recognizing self prosperity through reflection and appreciation that everyone has a life story worth telling.

Black Positive Image has partnered with an 8th grade after school program in Atlanta, Georgia that serves as a vessel in continuing this campaign. We plan to create a booklet of submissions for the young ladies involved in the character development program and also post them to a blog site created for the campaign.

Help us bring this campaign to life! All we ask is that you take the time to share your story so that young ladies and people around can learn, reflect, and grow.

Submission Details:
v Female Submissions Only
v Stories should e mailed to: knowmystory@gmail.com
v Length: 1-2 pages single spaced
v Submissions can be Anonymous
v We encourage you to invite your network to help keep this campaign alive.
v Understand by submitting a story you give us permission to use it for the printed booklet. However, we will still make selections based on the quantity received. Please specify if you would like to remove your submission from being posted on a blog. Dates:

v Deadline : 4/12/10
v Notified of use for Booklet: 4/23/10
v Booklet made by :5/4/10

Thank you in advance for helping bring this campaign alive and helping young ladies experience triumph through your lens.

Freaknik: Open Letter to DaVinci Barcelo

Dear Mr. DaVinci Barcelo*,

I am writing you to express my concern for your alleged attempt to bring back Freaknik to Cleophis Johnson Park on April 16-17, 2010. While I admire your attempt to resurrect events for our youth to participate in, I have a few concerns and questions that I think you should consider before attempting to bring this event back to Atlanta. This letter is not to discourage you in your efforts to “coordinate” this event, but to shed light on the thoughts that obviously have not crossed your mind in your planning or lack thereof for this event.

My concern with Freaknik is not the event or the parties, but the blatant neglect to participate with city officials to ensure that this is a successful and harmless event for all of the attendees and residents of the city of Atlanta. Without the participation of the city, how can you ensure that this will be a safe event for those involved in the festivities?

On your website you have pictures of past Freaknik's that show no depiction of a structure. I am sure you are aware of the reasons why Freaknik was laid to rest in the year 2000. The Freaknik of the past that you are envisioning is quite different with the current times. A decade has passed since the last Freaknik and as they say “things aren’t the same.” Lack of police patrolling can result in events of Freaknik's past such as rape and violent activity, how will these matters be handled or all together avoided?

The history of Freaknik should be enough to curtail any such event to take place without proper planning and permission from the city of Atlanta. As a coordinator I am sure you are not hosting Freaknik for the sheer pleasure or enjoyment for other individuals who cannot go away for Spring Break. There is a monetary value associated with Freaknik and I am not trying to hinder your business efforts, but are you prepared for any of the ramifications that may emerge from defiance to include the city of Atlanta?

My concern lies with the participants who are unaware that a good time can turn into a bad time within a few short minutes. Who will protect the woman and men who just came to have a good time? I hope that you take into account the concerns that I have placed before you. If you are able to secure enough protection (police, security, etc.) for this event for the number of participants, I would consider you think about going into politics. Atlanta has been dealing with its own issues of having enough public safety protection for its citizens, and if you have the solution; I think your talents will be best served in the public sector.

Again as I stated, I am not trying to stop the efforts of your event. My concern lies only with the protection of the participants. Our youth are to be valued and I will continue to concern myself with the concerns that they may not be aware of. If you can take them into account and provide safety for the participants I am more than willing to dismantle protesting of your event.


Brittney Greene
Founder of Black Positive Image, Inc.

*DaVinci Barcelo has been identified as the coordinator of Freaknik 2010.

Freaknik was historically started in 1982 as a spring break alternative for college students to enjoy a day in the park. By the 90's, Freaknik had emerged into a nationwide event where over 200,000 people arrived in Atlanta to celebrate the festival and evolved into more than just a day at the park.