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Movie Review: American Violet

On June 16, 2009 I received an e-mail entitled: "A Movie You Are NOT Supposed To See! A Must See Movie: American Violet." I immediately followed the link to www.americanviolet.com and watched the trailer (BELOW). I sat in my chair at work for about 30 minutes surfing the internet for a release date in my city (Atlanta), so I could make sure I was in the theater on opening day. This is a story I wanted to see, I story that needed to be heard.

To my surprise, the e-mail title was correct, this was definitely a movie I or anyone else was NOT supposed to see, as it was only playing in limited cities for limited screenings. I was sure this movie would break out of the film festival circuit and make it to the big screen. It wasn't until October 13, 2009 that this movie was released on DVD, and as the e-mail title says this is "A MUST SEE MOVIE!"

No exaggeration, American Violet IS a must see movie. Weather you are familiar with the story or don't have a clue that this was going on, everyone in America needs to hear this story. American Violet is not a embellished movie about the truth of the "justice" system or another story about life in the projects; American Violet is a movement with a message.

The message speaks for it self: "Someone Must Take A Stand." Why not you???

Black Positive Image endorses this movement and the movie American Violet with a rating of: A+. Not just because it is a Black movie and not just because of the message. This movie resounds in fact and speaks a message. With a breakout star (Nichole Beharie) and a cast of Black actors that really make the message stand out. Our review is not meant to bias do to the nature of exposing the justice system in light of the Black communities issues, but this was a movie that definitely stood out in all aspects.

A MUST SEE MOVIE, You weren't supposed to see!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brittney!

    I wrote a post right after seeing the film. It was titled "Why American Violet Withers" and I completely slammed the film on many fronts.

    I think that there is a solid segment of black women who would be justifiably insulted by this film and I outline the reasons.

    Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
