We live in a place where it isn't safe to dream
She was asleep in her home, safe; or so it would seem
A child, innocent, oblivious to the madness around her
Her dreams stripped away in what the police call a blur
Dreams deferred by bullets and home invasion
Their story and the other story, doesn't add to an equal equation
Answers fall on death ears and there is no one to blame
Cop is licensed killer with paycheck, it's shame
Our children's life stolen, but not in the usual institutionalized way
The light escaped her eyes before she could see the light of day
Now our kids go to sleep afraid to dream
She was asleep in her home, safe; or so it would seem
She was asleep in her home, safe; or so it would seem
A child, innocent, oblivious to the madness around her
Her dreams stripped away in what the police call a blur
Dreams deferred by bullets and home invasion
Their story and the other story, doesn't add to an equal equation
Answers fall on death ears and there is no one to blame
Cop is licensed killer with paycheck, it's shame
Our children's life stolen, but not in the usual institutionalized way
The light escaped her eyes before she could see the light of day
Now our kids go to sleep afraid to dream
She was asleep in her home, safe; or so it would seem