"Take responsibility for the image you want to see."

404-507-2746 ♦ info@blackpositiveimage.com ♦ P.O. Box 15356 Atlanta, GA 30333

Introduction: The Birth of Black Positive Image (BPI)

Black Positive Image (BPI) is birthed out of the mind of Brittney Greene, a student/writer whose interest continues to remain in the Black community. BPI aims to remove, restructure, and reaffirm minds that have been saturated with negative images of Black society by providing an interactive visual board of positive elements that do exist in the Black community.

Throughout her childhood and as she progressed through school, Brittney always had an interest in the true history of Blacks in America, her ancestry and the African heritage in which she derived from. By exploring other means and outlets such as reading books and magazines, as well as supporting black owned businesses, she expanded her knowledge beyond the portrayals that she viewed through mass media outlets and what she learned in school regarding the Black community.

As she journeyed into college and the bustling work place, her interest in the Black community has never swayed and has only increased to encompass more ways to make an impact in the community. Studying to become a Relationship/Sex Psychologist her emphasis will be on marriages and families in relation to the Black community, her independent writings will mainly focus on this aspect as well. With more than just an appreciation for culture and history, as the years went on Brittney became disheartened by the images, commentary, and seemingly consistent bad news regarding the Black community that prevails in the media, news, gossip sites, etc. In turn, Brittney decided to launch a website that counteracted these negative images by highlighting positive images that can also be found in the Black community.

Brittney is a firm believer in the principle, that the energy we exert with our actions, minds, and thought process often determines how we live our life, the opportunities awarded to us, and our reactions towards others. Having and broadcasting a positive attitude, prospective, lifestyle, and mentality should only breed more positivity. It is hope that this broadcast and the highlighting of a black positive image will not only inform and educate others on history/culture, but also begin to slowly improve subjective thinking regarding the Black image in America .